
100 Birds
224 pages, Chinese/English
List Price: $35.00

Gifted artist of the Ling-nan School, Yang O-shi, captures the dynamic spirit of her subjects with simple, vigorous brush-strokes. She provides detailed descriptions of technique, with sequential instruction and completed illustrations. Subjects include anatomy (head, beak, back, throat, breast, abdomen, wing, tail, foot and claw), the Sisken, Formosan Firecrest, Tree Sparrow, Chestnut Munia, Rufous Fantail Warbler, Great Tit, Narcissus Flycatcher, Rufous-Bellied Blue Flycatcher, Parson finch, White Java Sparrow, Johnstone's Bush Robin, Blue and White Flycatcher, Formosan Yuhina, Mountain Bush Warbler, Alpine Accentor, Gray-Backed Thrush, Red Cross-bill, Gray-Throated Minivet, Greenfinch, Formosan Barwing, Red-Throated Pipit, Green-Backed Tit, Hawfinch, Diamond Firetail, Russet Sparrow, Spotted Munia, Red-Headed Tit, Peking Robin, White-eye, Beavan's Billfinch, Ruby-Throat, Chinese Bulbil, Reed Bunting, White-faced Wagtail, Woodpecker, Bush Warbler, Brown Shrike, Ashy Minivet, House Sparrow, White-Eared Sibia, Eye-Browed Thrush, Arctic Willow Warbler, Lesser Scimitar-Babbler, Black-Napped Oriole, Muller's Barbet, Japanese Waxwing, Common Kingfisher, Meadow Bunting, Yellow-Bellied Wren Warbler, Java Sparrow, Red-Headed Babbler, Rufous-backed Shrike, Red-Cheeked Starling, Amaduvade Finch, White's Ground Thrush, Crested Cockatoo, Large-Billed Crow, Hoopoe, Jay, Cuckoo, Crested Mynah, Chestnut-Fronted Macaw, Crested Cockateel, Oriental Turtle Dove, Gray Tree Pie, Black Bulbil, Finch-Billed Bulbil, Hill Mynah, Blue-Winged Pitta, Black Paradise Flycatcher, Formosan Blue Magpie, Ashy Starling, Magpie, Spotted-Neck Dove, Dove, Water-Rail, Black-Crowned Night Heron, Avocet, Little Egret, White-Fronted Goose, Water Pipit, Rufous-Necked Stint, Long-Tailed Pheasant, Mandarin Duck, Mallard, Whooper Swan, Japanese Crane, Goose, Cattle Egret, Pygmy Owl, Mountain Scope Owl, Gray-Faced Buzzard Hawk, Black Kite, Rooster, Chick, Ring-Necked Pheasant, Formosan Hill Partridge, Golden Pheasant, Common Quail and White Peacock.